Results for 'Bede C. Akpunn'

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  1.  33
    (1 other version)Gilmore P. C.. An alternative to set theory. The American mathematical monthly, vol. 67 , pp. 621–632.Gilmore P. C.. The monadic theory of types in the lower predicate calculus. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 309–312. [REVIEW]Bede Rundle - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):766-767.
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    Pseudo-Bede, De mundi celestis terrestrisque constitutione: A Treatise on the Universe and Soul, ed. and trans. Charles Burnett. (Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 10.) London: The Warburg Institute, University of London, 1985. Paper. Pp. vi, 88; 2 figures. £10. [REVIEW]Richard C. Dales - 1987 - Speculum 62 (3):774-775.
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    Peter Hunter Blair: The World of Bede. Pp. x + 340. London: Seeker & Warburg, 1970. Cloth, £4.W. H. C. Frend - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (02):286-287.
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    Charles C. Rozier, Writing History in the Community of St Cuthbert, c. 700–1130: From Bede to Symeon of Durham. (Writing History in the Middle Ages 7.) York: York Medieval Press, 2020, Pp. xi, 240; black-and-white figures. $99. ISBN: 978-1-9031-5394-9. [REVIEW]Richard Allen - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):562-564.
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    (Re-)reading Bede: the Ecclesiastical history in context.N. J. Higham - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Bede's Ecclesiastical History is the most important single source for early medieval English history. Without it, we would be able to say very little about the conversion of the English to Christianity, or the nature of England before the Viking Age. Bede wrote for his contemporaries, not for a later audience, and it is only by an examination of the work itself that we can assess how best to approach it as a historical source. N.J. Higham shows, through (...)
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    George Eliot's Moral Realism.M. C. Henberg - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):20-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:M. C. Henberg GEORGE ELIOT'S MORAL REALISM No moment in the history of ethics could be more propitious than the present for a comprehensive restudy of George Eliot's moral realism. Analysis of the "logic" of moral language has proved barren, prescriptivism is in full flight, and schematic divisions of moral theories into descriptive versus normative, deontological versus teleological, or substantive versus meta-ethical have promised much but delivered little. Such (...)
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  7.  64
    Some School Books - 1. G. W. Garforth: Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica: A Selection. (Alpha Classics.) Pp. viii+142; 8 plates, map. London: Bell, 1967. Cloth, 12 s. 6 d.- 2. A. S. Cox: Lucretius on Matter and Man. Extracts from Books i, ii, iv, and v. (Alpha Classics.) Pp. viii+200; 8 plates, 15 figs. London: Bell, 1967. Cloth, 9 s. 6 d.- 3. K. W. D. Hull: Martial and His Times. (Alpha Classics.) Pp. xii+142; 8 plates; plan. London: Bell, 1967. Cloth, 8 s. 6 d.- 4. Bertha Tilly: Vergil, Aeneid iv. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+281; 4 plates. London: University Tutorial Press, 1968. Cloth, 11 s. 6 d.- 5. E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, ii. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+137; 4 plates; maps and plans. London: University Tutorial Press, 1967. Cloth, 10 s. 6 d.- 6. C. P. Watson: The Growth of Rome. Extracts from Livy's Histories from the foundation of the City to the death of Hannibal. Pp. 144; 2 plates, 3 maps. London: Faber, 1967. Cloth, 9 s. 6 d.- 7. D. M. [REVIEW]R. G. Penman - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (1):89-90.
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    Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages. [REVIEW]Mary C. Sommers - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):401-402.
    For G. R. Evans the determinative factor for philosophy in the Middle Ages is that "after Bede's day" "one could no longer meet a philosopher in the way that Augustine and Boethius could." Philosophy as a distinctive "way of life" has disappeared. If there are philosophers in the Middle Ages, they are "Christian thinkers who have read a little ancient philosophy and not... those whose lives are guided by a philosophical system." Likewise, although medieval thinkers were familiar with theologia (...)
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    'Religion' reviewed.Grace M. Jantzen - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (1):14–25.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament. By Carole R. Fontaine. Pp. viii, 279, Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £17.95, £8.95. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The Resurrection of Jesus: (...)
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    The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas by Romanus Cessario, O.P.William P. Loewe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 147 The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas. By ROMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Studies in historical theology. v. 6. Petersham, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1990. Pp. xxiv + 214. $14.95 (paper). The Godly Image presents a retouched version of the author's dissertation, first published in 1982 as Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas: Towards a Personalist Understanding (Washington, DC: University Press of America). (...)
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  11.  44
    Latin Literature: A History (review).Richard F. Thomas - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):471-475.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Latin Literature. A HistoryRichard F. ThomasGian Biagio Conte. Latin Literature. A History. Translated by Joseph B. Solodow. Revised by Don Fowler and Glenn W. Most. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xxxiii 1 827 pp. $65.00.The work under review is a translation of Gian Biagio Conte’s 1987 book Letteratura latina; Manuale storico dalle origini alla fine dell’ impero, a book whose title page acknowledged the (...)
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  12.  53
    Easter and the calendar.Werner Bergmann - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (1):15-41.
    Summary Since its definition at the council of Nicea the date of Easter had been calculated on a cyclical basis. The Easter formula publicized by C. F. Gauss in 1800 has neither achieved recognition with the chronologists nor with the officials of the papal curia, responsible for the fixing of Easter. In the paper being presented here the elements of medieval computus are transformed on an arithmetical basis and from this a formula for the fixing of Easter is developed. With (...)
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  13. Why there is something rather than nothing.Bede Rundle - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The question, 'Why is there something rather than nothing?', has a strong claim to be philosophy's central, and most perplexing, question; it has a capacity to set the head spinning which few other philosophical problems can rival. Bede Rundle challenges the stalemate between theistic and naturalistic explanations with a rigorous, properly philosophical approach, and presents some startlingly novel conclusions.
  14. Mind in action.Bede Rundle - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mind in Action challenges the dominant view in contemporary philosophy that human action is driven by thoughts and desires much as a machine is made to function by the operation of physical causes. Bede Rundle rejects the materialist view of mind and the causal theory of action; his alternative approach elucidates such key concepts as thought, belief, desire, intention, and freedom to give a fresh view of human behavior.
  15. Time, space, and metaphysics.Bede Rundle - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Bede Rundle presents a philosophical investigation of the nature and reality of time and space, by means of analysis of the concepts involved. He discusses anti-realism, time travel, temporal parts, geometry, convention, and infinity, and more general issues concerning identity, objectivity, causation, facts, and verifiability.
  16. Perception, Sensation and Verification.Bede Rundle - 1972 - Oxford University Press.
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    Grammar in philosophy.Bede Rundle - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Community: A Trinity of Models by Frank G. Kirkpatrick. [REVIEW]Paul Nelson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):372-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:372 BOOK REVIEWS This understanding, moreover, gives ontological validity to the communication of idioms, which Morris surprisingly sees as accomplishing nothing but" muddying the water" (p. 49). As God, the Son is omniscient, immutable, all-powerful, etc., but in his new mode of existence as man, he is truly ignorant, passible, and limited. Existing as man, the Son experiences all that pertains to historioolly conditioned humanity. In the Incarnation the (...)
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  19. Grammar in Philosophy.Bede Rundle - 1979 - Philosophy 58 (226):554-555.
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    Facts.Bede Rundle - 1993 - Duckbacks.
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  21. Neither jew nor Greek: A contested identity [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):376.
    Heather, Bede Review of: Neither jew nor Greek: A contested identity, by James D. G. Dunn, Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2015, pp. 946, $62.19.
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    In good company: the body and divinization in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ and Daoist Xiao Yingsou.Bede Benjamin Bidlack - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    With In Good Company, Bede Benjamin Bidlack derives a theory of the body from the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin using his own, first-time translation of the thought of Daoist Xiao Yingsou.
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  23.  84
    Wittgenstein and contemporary philosophy of language.Bede Rundle - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
  24.  11
    Theology and Meaning.Bede Rundle - 2004 - In Why there is something rather than nothing. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The status of theological claims is examined, initially in conjunction with the logical positivist's challenge to theism. This challenge is found to be only partially successful, but severe problems remain: we can make some headway with an appeal to analogy in defining God's attributes, but in general we lack a satisfactory account of the meaning of key theological propositions, and in some cases can condemn them as implicitly contradictory.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of the English People.The Venerable Bede - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the only edition of Bede's Ecclesiastical History which also offers the Greater Chronicle as well as his Letter to Egbert. The Chronicle and the Letter have been newly translated, and both they and the authoritative Colgrave translation of the Ecclesiastical History are supported by a detailed introduction and notes.
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  26.  45
    Memory and causation.Bede Rundle - 1986 - Philosophical Investigations 9 (October):302-7.
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  27. Perception, Sensation and Verification.Bede Rundle - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):613-614.
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  28. The private language argument.Bede Rundle - 2009 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman, Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy: Essays for P. M. S. Hacker. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Father McNabb and Rome.Bede Bailey - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):125-137.
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    Father Vincent McNabb, Dominican.Bede Bailey - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):45-55.
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    Letter calling attention to a comment made by Father Vincent McNabb.Bede Bailey - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (1):115-115.
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    Obituary for Conrad Pepler.Bede Bailey - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (1):114-116.
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    Possible Beatification of Father McNabb.Bede Bailey, Ronald Knox & Desmond Chute - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):197-201.
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    Axiomata philosophica Venerabilis Bedae,: viri in divinis atqve hvmanis literis exercitatissimi, ex Aristotele et alijs.Bernhard Bede, Wolter & Aristotle - 1623 - Sumptibus Bernardi Gualtherii.
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  35. Axiomata Philosophica Venerabilis Bedæ Viri in Divinis Atqve Humanis Literis Exercitatissimi, Ex Aristotele & Aliis Pr[a]Estantibus Philosophis Diligenter Collecta Vnà Cum Breuibus Quibusdam Explicationibus Ac Limitationibus.David Bede, Aristotle, Wasius & Officina Fabriana - 1618 - Prostant in Officina Fabriana.
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    Austen Clark., Sensory Qualities.Bede Bundle - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):118-119.
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    St. Jane Frances Frémyot de Chantal: Her Exhortations, Conferences and Instructions.Bede A. Dauphinee - 1948 - Franciscan Studies 8 (2):219-220.
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    Thomas More and the Rule of Saint Benedict.Bede Foord - 1979 - Moreana 16 (3):45-47.
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  39. The place of understanding.Bede Frost - 1936 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
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  40. A Marginal Jew, Volume 4, Law and Love [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (3):381.
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  41. Beginning from Jerusalem [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (4):501.
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  42. Paul: A biography [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (1):122.
  43. Raymond E. Brown and the Catholic Biblical Renewal [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):492.
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  44. The Bible in Australia: A cultural history [Book Review].Bede Heather - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (2):244.
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  45. A basis for set theory.Bede Rundle - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 33:171.
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    An introduction to many‐valued logics.Bede Rundle - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (1):1-2.
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    A representative theory of perception.Bede Rundle - 1978 - Philosophical Books 19 (2):49-53.
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    Creation and Conservation.Bede Rundle - 2004 - In Why there is something rather than nothing. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The preceding account of causation reveals it as bound to the physical every bit as much as are length, breadth, and depth. This makes any conception of divine agency difficult to defend, and a further problem is to be found in the consideration that a divine act, as of creation, would have to be temporally extended. God's relation to time is discussed, and it is argued that there is no call for an appeal to a creative act to explain the (...)
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    Causation and Necessity.Bede Rundle - 2004 - In Why there is something rather than nothing. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The concept of causation has a key role in both theological and cosmological speculations. An analysis of the concept which runs counter to the Humean tradition is developed, an analysis which aims to assign necessity, regularity, and connection their appropriate roles in accounts of causation, induction, and laws of Nature. Backwards causation is also discussed.
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    Conjunctions: Meaning, truth and tone.Bede Rundle - 1983 - Mind 92 (367):386-406.
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